Upper Pectoral Tight In Morning
I awoke this morning and the first thing I felt was a tight upper pectoral muscle and front shoulder!! I have not done a chest workout since 17th August so what causes this? I have also stopped doing Clean & Press and Overhead Press since 18th August. Close Grip Bench press has also been dropped from the routine since 18th August as this also activates the pecs. I can not do any more stretching (hanging around as they call it in the gym) so I am thinking that more massage with the rubber ball against the wall and on the floor is necessary every day to see if this improves the situation. I will discuss this with the Chiropractor today as I do feel that I am getting some where but it is more of a learning curve at the moment rather than tangible results that I can feel. But it is an improvement as at least I know that I am going in the right direction.
Morning Session:
Warmed up with the usual 2kg dumbbell routine for arms shoulders and back. Carried out the following concentric shoulder exercises as a warm-up (not pre-exhaustion) of External Rotators:- All good although R/H shoulder still weaker in this position. Internal Rotators:- All good. Supraspinatus:- R/H shoulder did not fire again and caused pain where my shoulder felt like it was collapsing forward. This was the same as before and took a number of efforts to force this to work. I did one set each of the others but two sets of this one with just one plate for ten reps. I can do around twenty of these for all exercises but the R/H shoulder causes lots of problems on this exercise. I did try this exercise (thumb pointing down) with arm out in front instead of at an angle and shoulder failed so I did not manage ten! Serratus Anterior:- One set of ten reps and all fine but R/H shoulder slightly weaker.
With the same weight (one plate) I also tried a set of ten reps standing cable rows with my right arm and shoulder was clicking and uncomfortable when pulling in. Tightness around upper pec and shoulder was noticeable.
Back Work with Cables:- 3 sets of 15,10,5 reps with around 50,55,60kgs for Wide Grip Pull-downs to back of neck, Wide & Close Grip Pull-Downs to chest, Wide & Close Grip Seated Rows to abdomen. Dead-lifts 3 sets of 10,6,4 reps with 100,130,140kgs.
In between almost every set I stretched my pecs in the squatting rack with high and low arm position holding the stretch for at least 30 seconds. This is when my shoulder position feels better than ever and my chest naturally barrels out with shoulders laying back and head position feels like it is where it is supposed to be. X syndrome sorted but only temporarily. This is some thing that I have experienced for a long while. Further questions to ask the Chiropractor!!! :-)