Stretching In The Doorway
Last night I was stretching in the doorway along with doing a number of other things on the website and noticed how easy it was to work myself into the doorway stretch that has become so familiar. I did not have to work so slowly to have a deep stretch and found my shoulder far more freer than usual. It was easily half the time to stretch deeply and my shoulder felt a lot more comfortable while doing this, movement or rotation of the shoulder seemed lubricated and smooth and I felt my attention shifting to the tightness of the other shoulder. This is the first time in perhaps 18 months to two years that I have unwittingly had more concerns about my otherwise acceptable L/H shoulder.
I awoke in the middle of the night lying on my front with my arms above my head and found my left arm and shoulder uncomfortable, aching and tight. My right arm, shoulder and pec was fine and it felt smooth and comfortable to rotate…like it was well oiled!!! The muscle tissue was a lot softer and easier to manipulate instead of the solid mass that it has been for such a long time. Burning the midnight oil now has a new meaning. Amazing!!!
First thing in the morning R/H pec and shoulder much more relaxed and stretching easier. While in the gym doing a shoulder workout of Machine Lateral Raises, Dumbbell Lateral Raises and Reverse Fly’s I had no troubles with tightness of the pec. This tightness of the R/H pec was always evident when doing Bent Over Reverse Flies and if any thing the L/H pec was tight!
Before I did this workout a warm-up and Shoulder Eccentric Exercises were carried out as previously described, all seemed fine although Supraspinatus was slightly difficult but much easier than before and I managed two full sets of ten reps with good form which was a surprise. So has the freeing up of the ‘knotted’ R/H pec allowed the whole shoulder joint to work correctly allowing the humeral head to return to its correct position thus shortening the supraspinatus to its correct length allowing it to function as it should? Alternatively, has the corrected position of the humeral head freed up the subacromial space and/or glenoid cavity cancelling out the pinching/impingement (causing pain and shoulder to roll forward) and now allowing the supraspinatus to do its job???
While I am sitting here late this afternoon my R/H shoulder feels fine and well set with no tightness but my L/H shoulder is tight with tension in my neck and traps which is slightly annoying but it is progress!
Now I have got this ‘Off My Chest!’ I am off to the gym for Triceps :-)