First photo taken today at gym after SPD workout!
After finally getting to the gym after all that stretching I took my first photo of progress so far. Its a little late being on the second week of the compound lifts after completing 3 weeks of split routines but its a start. iphone 6 photos to be loaded onto pc…..?????...»
Tired, Tight & Poor Flexibility
Went out to watch the match last night and did a bit of stretching and foam rolling before hand. Woke up this morning feeling obviously tired but was surprised to find how ‘stiff’ I was. Tight on all areas of legs and back and surprisingly could not even bend over to touch the floor without......»
‘Your looking BIG…’
While working on squats, overhead press & deadlifts, by the time I cam to the deadlifts, I was warmed up to such a degree that I peeled off my upper layers to a running vest where a PT instructor commented on my physique by saying ‘Your looking BIG…’ Is this after two weeks of compound......»
Friday night…match night…looking BIG!
Went out for match last night with a mate who I haven’t seen since Christmas and he said that I was looking BIG and stated that it looked like I had put all the size back on that I had lost!...»
Improved Shoulder Position After Deadlifts.
I noticed after doing 4 sets of deep deadlifts that shoulders naturally seem set further back with better posture. The last chest workout was Friday so three days off and Tuesday deadlifts possibly gave enough time for front tightness (X syndrome) to reduce encouraged by stretching of pecs major and minor. The stretching techniques of......»
Sternocleidomastoid & Trapezius Pain
I noticed around lunchtime today that after doing the compound lifts workout the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of my neck and trapezius was sore and very tight probably aggravated while doing 4 sets of deep deadlifts with 60kg. If these muscles were pulled while doing this exercise were they over tight before exercise......»
Impingement Of Shoulder
I have been suffering from shoulder impingement for some while now and have been actively looking for ways to address this on the internet. There are many websites and lots of pages to choose from plus an abundance of DIY videos. So which ones do I choose to do? Instead of just trawling through the......»
Tanita BC-545N Segmental Body Composition Monitor
The Tanita BC-545N Segmental Body Composition Monitor was purchased to allow me to keep track of my weight over the coming months. This would be the best way for me to accurately record any changes that occur from weight training. It would also give me the opportunity to compare different training programs to see which......»