How Much Stretching?
Up early to rubber ball tightness in chest and shoulder. Stretched out and went to gym for chest session. Tightness always feels better after doing this and bench press definitely more comfortable but how much stretching have I got to do to resolve the problem? Carried out some machine crunches and machine obliques for abdominal......»
Legs Sore & Tight
No leg work as stretching only today. Legs sore and tight and this is no surprise as I have not done any foam rolling or stretching for weeks as previously mentioned. Maintenance after exercise regarding massage and stretching is just as important as the exercise itself....»
Right Knee Aching…Calf Work?
Right knee aching today, possibly due to heavy calf work. Stretched calves and hamstrings a lot this morning and knee aching. While sat on side of bath I noticed hamstring tight and sore on right leg. When I extended leg up this caused pain and slight crunching with the pain being acute at the top......»
Chiropractic Appointment Today
Appointment at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic in Treforest today. Numerous issues discussed and a full examination which went on for an hour and a half. The most thorough MOT that I have ever witnessed!!...»
Back Work Only
Back workout only today as on going issues with tight upper pecs. Chiropractic appointment tomorrow will hopefully shed some light on these issues. It would be nice to know that I am moving in the right direction with these problems as I seem to be spending most of my time hanging around in the gym…stretching......»
Upper Pec Super Tight!
I noticed today that R/H upper pec and shoulder is much tighter than usual. My last chest workout on the 6th was not accompanied by any back work. Push and pull exercises are some thing that I am trying to incorporate into my routine for natural balance and this tightness seems to highlight that train......»
Chest Only & More Tiredness.
I managed to do a chest workout this morning but to tired to return in the afternoon for a back workout. Perhaps I should be thinking about back work first as the chest work should be secondary considering the issues that I have....»
Triceps & Chiropractors
Triceps work first thing and nothing else as to tired to do any thing else and shoulder hurts. Finally got around to phoning Chiropractors at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic to arrange an appointment....»
Too Ill To Train
I could not face a day of training today as still suffering from ‘Man-flu’!!...»
Calves Only Then Bed!
My gym session was minimal today as I was not feeling very well. I carried out my usual calf session and then went home to bed with a virus. All day Saturday in bed…what a workout!!...»