Supraspinatus…Thumb Pointing Down!!!
After a warm-up in the gym I went through the eccentric shoulder exercises as follows:- External Rotators: R/H shoulder weaker than L/H shoulder while doing this exercise by a fair margin. Internal Rotators: No real difference in strength between the two shoulders but stability of the R/H shoulder is noticeable. Supraspinatus: I have been doing......»
Rotators, Back & Abdominal
Before doing back work this morning I went through the Eccentric Shoulder Exercises as suggested by Chiropractor. Tried a few different exercises for back work to sort out how I will approach this over the coming weeks. Returned to the gym in the afternoon for abdominal work as a replacement for chest exercises for the......»
Rotator Cuff Exercises
It was my 3rd appointment with Chiropractor today and discussed in more detail rotator cuff exercises (concentric shoulder exercises), rubber ball massage, doorway stretches, foam rollers, and much more. Below you will find the rotator cuff exercises that were recommended. Eccentric Shoulder Exercises External Rotators: Description for the right shoulder: Face at 90degrees to......»
Squats, calves, lunges, straight legged deadlifts & good-mornings carried out this morning. I have always enjoyed doing calf work but straight legged deadlifts and good-mornings are growing on me!...»
Shoulders & Arms
No workout for shoulders or arms again to day as not feeling up to it and looking forward to some positive response from 2nd Chiropractic appointment....»
Biceps Curls Only
Biceps Curls only today using EZ Bar. This is the only exercise that I felt like doing and I am also trying to limit aggravation of shoulder by not doing Clean & Press and Overhead Press or Lying Biceps Curls that will stress the upper biceps tendon. Perhaps it would be wise not to do......»
Sore Hamstrings
Day off today as too tired to train and lots of work to do. Hamstrings are sore and need a rest so a welcome break from the routine. Performing Lying & Seated Leg Curls, Straight Legged Deadlifts and Good Mornings twice a week to near failure is a lot to ask so from now on......»
Knee Pain
Performed squats with high bar and feet close together & low bar with wide stance. Leg extensions were too painful so did not do one set! Calf workout all good. Came home and checked hamstrings on banister and super tight and pain on hamstrings a few inches above crease of knee. Pain has been consistent......»
Rotator Cuff Exercises
After my shoulder workout I performed a few sets (20 reps) with cables on rotator cuffs to the side with bent arm and straight up as shoulder aching and pec feeling tight. The bent arm exercise caused clicking/crunching every time and was painful and this felt like it was due to tightening of the upper......»
Hamstring & Adductor Massage
Massaged hamstrings and adductors on banister and stretched. Massaged pecs and shoulder with rubber balls and carried out some doorway stretching. Calves also got the same massage treatment on the banister and stretched on the steps of the stairs in standing and bent over position. When ever I stretch my calves or hamstrings pelvis is......»