Cable Pushdowns Straight Bar
Starting position:
- Adjust the pulley height to an over-head height.
- Facing the cable, grasp the straight bar attachment with a closed, pronated grip (palms facing down).
- Stand straight with feet flat on the floor in a stable stance, shoulder width apart and underneath your body.
- Face straight ahead and push the straight bar down, extending elbows until they are at a 90-degree angle. Keep arms tucked at your sides.
Downward movement/concentric phase:
- Extend elbows, pushing the bar downward to full elbow extension.
- Keep arms tucked at your sides tucked at your sides throughout the entire movement.
Upward movement/eccentric phase:
- In a controlled fashion, allow the elbows to bend, returning the bar upward to the starting position.
Exercise Data
FAQ'S & FACTS ABOUT Cable Pushdowns Straight Bar
What Is A Triceps Cable Pushdown With Straight Bar?
A cable triceps pushdown is a resistance exercise, which involves the primary elbow extensor, the triceps brachii. This exercise is performed at a cable crossover station with a straight bar attachment. The concentric portion of the lift is elbow extension, which involves the lifting of the weight. The eccentric portion is elbow flexion, which involves the descent of the weight.
The purpose of the cable triceps pushdown is to strengthen the triceps while promoting hypertrophy (increases in size) of triceps.
Why Do Triceps Cable Pushdowns With Straight Bar?
Cable triceps pushdowns with a straight bar provide a variation in exercises that activate the triceps brachii. Utilizing the rope attachment provides a comprehensive activation of all three triceps heads. The pushdown motion with an overhand grip (palms facing down) targets the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. Performing this exercise with a supinated grip (palms facing upward) places greater emphasis on the medial head of the triceps.
The lateral head of the triceps makes up the outer portion of the “horseshoe”. Activating the lateral and medial triceps heads improves the overall aesthetics of the triceps muscle.
Cable triceps pushdowns strengthen and increase the size of the triceps brachii. Performing exercises with a cable provides constant resistance throughout the entire range of motion. Cable triceps pushdowns also serve as an auxiliary exercise that can increase strength involved in other multi-joint exercises.
Anatomy Of A Triceps Cable Pushdown With Straight Bar
The triceps brachii is located on the back of the upper arm, originating at the shoulder and inserting in the elbow joint. It consists of three heads, the long, medial and lateral head. The medial head lies beneath the long and lateral head. The long head origin is located at the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula (shoulder blade). The original of the lateral head is located at the posterior shaft of the humerus. The medial head origin is located at the radial groove of the posterior humeral shaft.
The long and lateral heads make up the “horseshoe” portion of the triceps. All three heads merge, sharing insertion into the olecranon process of the ulna, located at the elbow joint.
The triceps brachii extend the elbow joint. The long head assists in arm adduction.
The anconeus is a short, triangular muscle located at the elbow joint. Its origin is located at the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, inserting at the lateral aspect of the olecranon process of the ulna.
The positioning of the shoulders in a flexed position requires the deltoids and rotator cuff muscles to ensure stability of the joint capsule throughout the movement.
Variations Of A Triceps Cable Pushdown With Straight Bar
Pronated grip, supinated grip, cable triceps pushdowns with a rope attachment, cable triceps pushdowns with a V-bar, One arm cable triceps pushdown.
How To Improve Your Triceps Cable Pushdowns With Straight Bar
Focus on the concentric portion of the contraction, concentrating on “squeezing” at the end of the flexing portion.
Emphasis on eccentric contractions, prolonging the eccentric portion of the contraction, may also be incorporated in a training program focused on increasing strength. This should be implemented accordingly and with adequate muscle recovery as eccentric contractions cause substantial damage to muscle tissue.
Strategically vary your grip (pronated, supinated), cable attachments (e.g. V-bar, rope) and elbow extension angles (e.g. cable overhead triceps extension, lying overhead triceps extension) when designing your triceps regimen. This will optimize the strength and hypertrophy adaptations made from the exercises over time.
It’s important to note that your repetition and set volume will depend on your goals (e.g. strength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance). It is also important to allow adequate recovery days in between triceps and chest training to allow muscles to repair.
Common Mistakes When Doing Triceps Cable Pushdowns With Straight Bar
On the upward/eccentric phase, allowing the elbows to bend past 90 degrees takes the tension off of the triceps in between repetitions. Returning to starting position (with elbows bent at 90 degrees) allows the lifter to keep tension on their triceps throughout the entire exercise, optimizing triceps activation.
Returning the weight too quickly to starting position can result in elbow, triceps and/or shoulder injury. Therefore, it is important to control the downward and upward phases of the exercise.
Flaring your elbows out to the side can minimize triceps activation. Keep elbows tucked in to maximize triceps contraction.
Injuries Or Ailments & Their Effects Regarding Triceps Cable Pushdowns With Straight Bar
If proper technique is not adhered to (e.g. dropping the weight quickly instead of controlling the descent on the eccentric portion of the lift, lifting a load too heavy for the lifter), the likelihood of injury increases.