Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl

Start Position
End Position

Starting position:

  1. Sit at the end of an exercise bench.
  2. Grasp a barbell with a closed, pronated (palms facing downward) and shoulder-width grip.
  3. Place the underside of your forearms on your thighs so your wrists and hands can hang over the edge of your knees.
  4. Keep arms firmly placed over thighs at all times throughout the movement.
  5. Flex wrists by allowing the weight of the barbell to hang your hands downward.

Upward movement/concentric phase:

  1. Extend the wrists, lifting barbell upward.
  2. Keep arms stationary and as only the wrists should be moving.

Downward movement/eccentric phase:

    1. In a controlled fashion, allow the wrists to flex back to the starting position
Do not bounce your hands off of your legs at the bottom of the movement when proceeding to the next repetition/concentric phase.
Do not hold your breath. Exhale during the concentric/phase phase and inhale during the eccentric/lowering phase.


Exercise Data

  • Primary Muscles: Extensor carpi radialis longus, Extensor carpi radialis brevis, Extensor carpi ulnaris
  • Synergists: Extensor indicis, Extensor digitorum
  • Stabilizers: Extensor digitorum
  • Type: Strength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance
  • Mechanics: Wrist extension
  • Equipment: Barbell
  • Lever: 1st class lever
  • Level: Beginner to advanced
  • FAQ'S & FACTS ABOUT Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl

    A barbell reverse wrist curl is a resistance exercise, which involves the primary wrist extensors, the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus and extensor carpi ulnaris. This exercise is performed seated with an Olympic bar or other barbell alternative. The concentric portion of the lift is wrist extension, which involves the lifting of the weight. The eccentric portion is wrist flexion, which involves the descent of the weight.

    The purpose of the barbell reverse wrist curls is to strengthen the wrist extensors while promoting hypertrophy (increases in size) of the forearms.