ZMA Supplement For Lack Of Sleep
In the gym today doing workout and spoke to instructor who suggested ZMA as he and a few others have been trying it with good success. I checked Reflex
Split Routines Almost Complete
I have just realised that I have already done nearly 3 weeks of split routines! I have back and calves to do tomorrow then compounds start again next week. I was thinking yesterday that I had another week left of splits so that was a surprise. I am pleased to know that another 3 week…
Shoulders & Triceps
No leg extensions today as worked them well yesterday. Shoulders – Pressed over head 1st & 2nd sets 60kg/3rd & 4th 62.5kg/5th 60kg. It felt like I would struggle trying to do 5 sets of 62.5kg so will either try 5×3 or remain at 60kg for the time being. I feel that if i could…