Pain In Both Knees

This morning I experienced pain in both knees and the best reason I can think of for this is the stretching I was doing yesterday on the bed while watching tennis is not the best for me.  Pain in both knees at the same time is unusual as I have never experienced this before so…

Lower Back Pain

I have not trained since Friday due to lower back pain.  Back & Front Squats along with Leg Press was clearly over done a little bit!!!  Quads were stretched out while lying on the bed watching tennis and realised that I have not stretched at all for five days.  With the lower back pain I…

Brachiordialis & Brachialis

While working the forearms and biceps today I noticed a severe weakness with my left arm.  I am considering this may be due to a weak brachiordialis which I will address.  The difference in strength between both arms performing Dumbbell Wrist Curl Extensions, Dumbbell Reverse Curls and Dumbbell Hammer Curls was clearly evident.  I have…

ZMA Supplement For Lack Of Sleep

In the gym today doing workout and spoke to instructor who suggested ZMA as he and a few others have been trying it with good success. I checked Reflex

Split Routines Almost Complete

I have just realised that I have already done nearly 3 weeks of split routines! I have back and calves to do tomorrow then compounds start again next week. I was thinking yesterday that I had another week left of splits so that was a surprise. I am pleased to know that another 3 week…

Forearm Work

A work colleague commented today on my forearms looking much bigger. I have not done a forearm workout for at least six months. So how has this happened? This could be due to the 5 sets of straight barbell curls that I have completed a few times but the smart money would be on the…

Shoulders & Triceps

No leg extensions today as worked them well yesterday. Shoulders – Pressed over head 1st & 2nd sets 60kg/3rd & 4th 62.5kg/5th 60kg. It felt like I would struggle trying to do 5 sets of 62.5kg so will either try 5×3 or remain at 60kg for the time being. I feel that if i could…

More 6″ Leg Extensions in Gym

At 8am today I tried 2 plates of 6″ leg extensions in the gym. The problematic right knee was aching slightly and was much tighter after doing this. I felt a twingey/tingley feeling and it was tighter when walking. Both knees feel more solid and supported walking up and down the stairs. Crunching of knee…

6″ Leg Extensions in Gym

Today I took the 6″ leg extensions that I have been doing at home a stage further at the gym. I did this with one plate only and knees felt good. I managed 5 x 10 reps easily with no problems.

Tanita Scales Table & Leg Exstentions

While doing squats today I gave my Tanita Composite scales tables that I have been completing since 6-1-15 to one of the instructors as he was curious about the differing results that I have been getting. I am aware that measurements will normally be taken once a week but if my weight differs by as…