Abdominal Workout
Back to the gym after Chiropractic visit to carry out Abdominal work. My appointment with the Chiropractor went very well with more emphasis on the R/H pectoral muscle. This is the area that I have always felt is responsible for these problems that I am having and a lot of work was done on pinching the muscle and stretching it out to release what was described as a large ‘knot’. Some back work was also done to release tension and pain referral was experienced in the back of my right arm while driving home. This quickly dissipated and was not noticeable when arriving home or in the gym. While driving home I could feel a distinct difference in the tension of my upper pecs and shoulders.
I was advised not to do any massaging with the rubber ball on pecs or shoulders to see if this ‘knot’ release will make any difference in the long term to my problems. I will continue to stretch as normal but will refrain from any massage of chest or shoulders until the above is determined. This is some thing that I am happy with as a process of elimination is the best way to identify these problems. Stretching seems to be easier and does not pull so much in any position of the stretch so this is all good news.
Abdominal work included 3 sets of 15,10,5 reps of Machine Seated Crunches, Machine Obliques, Side Bends with plates of 15,20,25kgs (machine weights will be recorded another time). 60 seconds of front planks and 30 seconds of side planks x 2 were also carried out for core strength/stability.
I am quietly confident that we are on the right track with the tight pectoral issues but time will tell so I will comment on this at a later stage.